K2 with no power

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K2 with no power

Yes, I finally change Q7 & Q8 because I shorten by accident the base
and the collector while mesuring with my probe.... now It's back online
and alive !!!!

But, there is a but, for those who experienced a problem similar to
that one.... also check R50.... even with good Q7 & Q8 (PA transistor),
is R50 in busted, you will not have power output... maybe .1W that's it

On Q6's emittor, if you have more that 0.4 VDC when TX tuning.... for
sure R50 is also defective...

After changing R50, power online !!!

 From a beginner who solved is first real problem with signal tracing
technic. :-)

Jean-François Ménard / VA2VYZ
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Club d'Astronomie Amateur de Sherbrooke
Club Radio Amateur de l'Estrie

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