K2DI v.III Digital Interface

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K2DI v.III Digital Interface

Pauli Nunez EA3BLQ
Hello and greetings from Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

To those K2rs that are or may be interested in my project: I have just
uploaded a revised version (with some new pictures) of the "K2DI and
K2DI-PCI Construction Manual" to my web site at http://www.qsl.net/ea3blq
(Menu -> English -> Downloads).

May I thank you all for your support and gratifying comments I've been

Best 73 Pauli, EA3BLQ
K2/100 #1044
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URL: www.qsl.net/ea3blq

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Need a 'scope?

Jerry Hancock
Hate to post for sale items, but there was a lot of 'scope discussions last

I found a Tektronix 2214 digital storage scope, I think it is a 20mhz b/w
with a 16mhz sampling rate.  I have a flyer for it.  I think it listed for
around $3500 when new.

It works fine, probably could use calibration on channel 2, but after
bringing it home I realized that I would need to hook it to a PC rs-232 to
get peak to peak voltage readings unlike my other scope that has analog
cursors for voltage, delta f, etc.  You can read the voltage from the scale
but I am used to the cursors.  It also looks like the storage is only good
for signals under 1mhz but I haven't fully explored it.  I have the software
but it needs a dos PC.

Anyway, it is a 4 channel, decent condition, no probes, no manual but can't
be beat for the $160 I paid plus shipping from 94965.

Please only contact offline at [hidden email].

Jerry,. KG6KGP

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