All concerned:
I've searched the archives to no avail for the solution to this challenge.
If there were refs, I missed 'em.
The Heil, CM500 etc., etc., cans I've tried out, on the K3/0 mini front and
side audio outputs, simply do not put enough sound pressure on my TOEs
(tired old ears).
The K3S, however, _does_ put enough sound pressure on my TOEs, with _all_
the can/mic sets I have, especially with the WWII hi-z antique sets.
Has anyone out there in radioland found:
1. a set of cans that doesn't need an external audio amp, or
2. a suitable external audio amp, ?
Brgds & tks from Dave, N3HE.
Dave, N3HE
Cincinnati OH
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Dave, N3HE
Cincinnati OH