[K3] ARRL DX CW and NR problem

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[K3] ARRL DX CW and NR problem

Had a blast as MM3T in ARRL DX CW, thanks to all Elecrafters that worked me. I noticed an odd effect when NR F1-1 was engaged, just after unkeying it sounded almost like when your ears pop with altitude. A moment of deafness then pop, and it all comes clear again. Anyone else notice this? I ended up just keeping NR off (definately an NR problem, tried on/off a few times and effect only present with NR on). Some really heavy key clicks here in the EU (up to 5KHz either side). I don't know if it's a matter of education or just selfishness (protecting the run frequency at everyone elses expense). It must seem odd to US stations running 1.5KW when EU stations cannot hear them. I think the only thing left to do is to name and shame. Most other QRM I could deal with ease with the K3.
I'm learning how to drive the rig properly now to stop mush in pile-ups (thanks to this reflector), copious use of ATT and RF Gain :-). Managed to survive with AGC-F (90 dB/S), THR 8, Slope 5 without problems (have had problems in the past but learning slowly).
The biggest remaining problem with the K3 for me is not being able to adjust some controls whilst transmitting, very frustrating.