Hi List:
There is currently another RTTY contest on the go this weekend.
Has there been any progress on the reported FSK D 'bug' that
causes RX audio shift when 'chaining' memories on TX? [See,
a previous entry from me: K3 FSK D Mode: possible 'bug'?]
Regards and 73
John, N6JW
P.S. I think my previous report on this issue might have been
too long, and seemed too complicated, for many to test.
So here it is again, in essence, step by step. Anybody should be
able to reproduce the problem:
1. Switch to FSK D mode (45 baud).
2. Tune to a RTTY signal (many on 40m right now).
Use CWT and Dual passband, to center and get good print copy.
3. Switch to TX-Test mode (so as not to cause QRM).
4. If you don't have CW stored in M1: Tap REC then M1, then
use your paddle and internal keyer to enter your callsign. End
with (..--) to stop idle. Tap REC again to end. (You cannot use
a straight key or external keyer to code a CW memory).
[Alternatively, you can use whatever code you already have
in a memory, or use K3 Utility to store a memory].
5. While listening to a RTTY signal, press M1, and you should
hear your CW/RTTY TX signal in the monitor (you will not be
actually transmitting, of course). When your 'sending' stops,
you should hear the other RTTY signal perfectly on frequency
as before, as soon as it starts sending again. Print will be
good. This is perfectly normal operation, and as it should be.
6. Now for the bug: do #5 again, but press M1 again a second
time, BEFORE it finishes sending (hence 'chaining' memories);
when done, you will find that the other station is now offset and
you will not be able to print the signal. This should not happen.
7. You can restore things by Holding the DATA MD button and
then tapping to clear.