Yesterday I was working a couple of stations on 20 mtrs when I decided to
move back to 40 mtrs. The band switch did not work then I found that non of
the switches would work with there intended functions, especially the MENU
and CONFIG. The radio is receiving and transmitting fine but cannot make any
panel adjustments. Power supply is good under load
I downloaded the latest firmware successfully but and even uploaded my
latest saved configuration file but to no avail. I even tried to do the
Parameter reset listed on page 63 of the manual (with power off, hold down
SHIFT/LO knob then power up) but nothing is helping. It appears to be a
hardware failure of some sort. So before I contact Elecraft Support does
anyone have any idea what the problem could be or suggest something that I
have not tried?
Kent, w7vz
*Remember, a government big enough to give
you everything you want is big enough to take
away everything you have. Thomas Jefferson
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