Regards to all, it is the first time that send a message to a mailing list, I hope to do it correctly.
Yesterday I have discovered that in 18 MHz are feel of the Broadcasting.
The antennas is a Dipole for 10MHz and 18 MHz connected to the same coaxial cable.
The signals were weak and doesn't disappear using the attenuator or switching off the internal preamplifier, they became simply more weaks.
I have on mine setup connected to the RX Ant out/ RX ant IN a home made box with pass band filters, 20 and 30 dB preamp and switch for some magnetic RX antenna, if I switch to mine home made filters the intermod go away.
I am able use the home made preamplifiers without have more intermod.
The K3 is new, have done all the alignments except "Calibrate RF Gain" with the K3 utility, have not a generator of reliable signals.
It may depend from this?
Sorry for the English I ame using a program to translate.
73, Luigi HB9CXZ
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