K3 Jumps To High Output In Data Mode During Power Knob Rotation

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K3 Jumps To High Output In Data Mode During Power Knob Rotation

Bud Governale, W3LL-2
The K3 mode button is set to DATA and the transmit mode is DATA A.

As I adjust the power output (PWR) knob during continuous transmit, the
measured output displayed on the Power Master jumps to a high level.
As an experiment, If the output is at a steady 40 W for example, when I
slowly and continuously rotate the PWR knob, the output jumps to 150+ watts
output during rotation of the PWR knob.
As soon as I stop rotating the PWR knob the output is steady at the chosen

If I choose a different power output during receive, the output is momentarily very high and then drops to the selected output – Overshoot.
No Overshoot if I don’t change the PWR knob.

This is causing havoc with the amp.

Out of curiosity I tried this in CW mode. In CW when I turn the PWR knob
during a continuous transmit, the output does not jump to a high level but
rather it follows the PWR knob setting smoothly.

What may be the issue?


Bud W3LL
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