K3 Noise Reduction parameters

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K3 Noise Reduction parameters

Dave, G4AON

You need to wait a couple of seconds for the change to be implemented. I
am using F2-3 on CW and find it quite good to reduce some of the band noise.

73 Dave, G4AON
K3/100 #80

Can someone enlighten me about setting up the NR parameters....hope I can
explain myself ok!

Holding ADJ brings up (at vfo B position) - <NR F#-*> where * is from 1 to 4
for each value of # and is adjusted with vfo B knob and clearly increase the
degree of noise reduction.

As you continue to rotate vfo B knob, # cycles from 1 to 4 but there doesn't
appear any discernible difference for each value of #. Can't find any
reference in the manual so curiosity has driven me here.; did wonder at
first if NR settings were per filter but there are 5 filter positions and in
K3 0145 just 3 filters so that theory is out the window.

Having said all that the noise reduction works a real treat.....


Stewart Rolfe, GW0ETF
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