Yes, the IF notch is kept outside the AGC - loop. And I am with you on
this. It would be so nice to have the notch inside the loop.
More than one reason for the notch outside the agc-loop have been
communicated in this list.
Summing up a few, but please let the experts help me on this:
- A too strong signal cannot be handled well bij the A/D convertor so
hardware AGC will have to kick in. This is , I think, a good reason, BUT
only for strong signals.
- Also increasing distortion is mentioned (IMD?) as a problem. Maybe so,
but I feel that the AGC that decreases the volume of the whole signal is
also a large distortion. I cannot tell what is worse and how much
distortion would be audible if the notch was inside the agc-loop (except
for the hardware AGC)
- is there more?
Anyway, the K3 is a fine rig in many things, but it is not an ideal rig.
This notch-thing is one of the not ideal features.
Arie PA3A
K3 #12xx
Op 27-4-2012 8:10, paulb schreef:
> The K3 notch filter appears to be after the IF system?
> eg audio type notch, the S meter does not show any
> signal change on steady carrier.
> Is this a big deal in the K3 ?
> cheers
> Paul
> zl1ajy
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