There were a set of capacitor mods proposed by N1EU to resolve the K3's low end audio "issues".
Last Fall I imagined myself actually doing this mod and I purchased the required parts. Luckily one of the Gods noticed what I had done and intervened on my behalf to cause Elecraft to offer the DSP board upgrade (thus saving me from a sure and certain descent into SMD Hell).
However, I now find myself saddled with a set of really tiny capacitors that I no longer need.
The parts cost a tad over 6 dollars (including shipping and taxes the cost was over 13 dollars) (note that I bought one extra component of each type, so, for example, instead of two 100 microfarad electrolytics I have three).
If someone is interested in buying these parts, I think a price of around $7.50 would be fair (this assuming first class shipping in the US).
If you are interested, drop me a line (send me a email: disorder at sbcglobal dot net).
Mike W5FTD
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