I have an Elecraft K3/100 HF radio at 100Watts SN000348 with the matching P3 Pan adapter! The K3 has the following options: KAT3A ATU, KTCX03,KBPF3A,KIO3,KXV3 and the following Inrad filters KFL3A-400, KFL3A-2.1K and KFL3A-2.8K These are from a non smoking home and they also have the matching Side KX extended end panels to protect the front and back of the radio. (included are the factory end panels). The radio works all modes and decodes CW and other digital modes. The Pan Adaptor has the VGA board option so you can put this display on a TV or large computer screen. This package will also include the cables and manuals for both. I prefer local pick up as I don't want to damage these in shipping. $1950 for all! If I need to ship these then another $50 to cover costs. 73 Scott AK6Q
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K3 #348 KX3 #2499