The recent 4.39 firmware update reminded me I needed a macro for using CW Skimmer and the KRX3 in large pileups. Skimmer's "599" function is very powerful since it gives the exact frequency of the last station worked. The macro below allows Skimmer to control VFO A. Why not use VFO B for TX? Because IF OUT is on VFO A and Skimmer can only control VFO A (without mods to both the KRX3 hardware and Skimmer control software).
Use as follows assuming Skimmer is running and accurately calibrated for K3 zero beat with the roofing filter you're using in the Main RX (VFO A):
1. Tune in the DX station on VFO A.
2. Activate the SKIMMER Macro (I use PF1).
3. Manually tune VFO A to the approximate center of the pileup and watch for a "599" to appear.
4. Click the magenta "599" decoder dot to send VFO A to the last station worked.
5. You can manually add some +/- XIT offset to VFO A if too many guys learn this trick! :-))
73, Bill
P.S. Good luck with the South Sudan pileups! (note "599" in the bottom screen shot)
SKIMMER: LK0;LK$0;SB0;SWT13;SWT13;FR0;LK$1;UP5;RT0;XT0;SB1;MN111;MP002;MN255;
LK0;LK$0 to unLCK both VFOs (all LK commands can be omitted if you never use LCK)
SB0; turns the sub receiver off, which also turns Diversity off (i.e. my normal setup)
SWT13; taps A>B to copy VFO A frequency to VFO B
SWT13; taps A>B again to copy all other settings to VFO B
FR0; turns off Split (since we'll use the KRX3's Dual RX mode)
LK$1; locks VFO B on the DX station's frequency
UP5; sets TX VFO A up 2 kHz (so you don't accidentally TX on the DX initially)
RT0; turns RIT off
XT0; turns XIT off (can be manually set later depending on how DX tunes the pileup)
SB1; turns the sub receiver on
MN111; selects the CONFIG:L-MIX-R menu entry
MP002; selects the "AB B" audio mix; which puts VFO B (the DX station) in both audio channels but you can also hear the pileup in the left audio channel.
MN255; closes the CONFIG menu