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Don Rasmussen
What makes this whole thing rather tough is that
people put 1/2 down on a rig with a ship date of July
/ Aug.  Here we are in November with many of them
still with no rig and no money.  It does indeed serve
to create unrest amongst the natives.

Can you imagine what it would be like if they had
taken in the -entire- amount up front? ;-)

I think that all of us, restless natives included, are
in agreement. If it's not 100% ready, please don't
ship it. Having watched very closely from the
beginning, we're within mere weeks at the present time
of receiving a version 2.x product out of the box new
rather than s version 1.0 product. Plead, plead, plead
- do nothing to ruin that.

Last Winter Olympics there was a US snowboarder that
had a certain Gold medal but decided to do one hot dog
move for the admiring crowd just before the finish
line. It went less than as well as expected. 9-|

-----Original Message-----
Maybe Elecraft will offer the Super-Duper-Express
delivery K3 option,
kitted by a team of untrained chimps and with colour
photos in the place
of any missing parts.

And THAT is exactly what has me concerned.  Yea, I
know it was originally said in jest, but the more we
whine, the more pressure we put on Elecraft to hurry
up & get 'er done, the more likely it is that they
will feel forced to go to heroic measures to get the
boxes out the door.

Personally, I'm content to know that they are working
hard and are doing the right things.  If they were
sitting on their duffs eating bon-bons and watching
soap operas, then it would be time to grouse at them.
As it is, they are apparently working long hours.  I
don't want to push them any harder because I think we
have far more to lose than we have to gain.

Yes, I want my K3, but I want a good K3, one that was
carefully built and tested, not something rushed out
the door.

I don't think Elecraft is to that point yet, but the
pressure we as customers put on them isn't helping,
that's for sure.

What makes this whole thing rather tough is that
people put 1/2 down on a rig with a ship date of July
/ Aug.  Here we are in November with many
of them still with no rig and no money.  It does
indeed serve to create unrest amongst the natives.

73 all!

- Keith N1AS -
- K2 5411.ssb.100 -
- K3 wave 3 -

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