Egads. All the riga-marole! Turn on the sub and put it on his transmit freq. Tune the A which will be your transmit to where the other guys are hollering at him. I use a headset and track the calling mob with the A ear and listen to when he's transmitting with the B ear. Why worry about "split" and the other junk. I got lost reading the directions.
Or you can use the A to listen to his freq and tune the transmitter freq offset with the XIT control.
Mountains out of molehills!
End Snip...still grinning
Larry...if you have any spare time, can you decipher the entire manual so the rest of us backwards folk can use all the features of the K3 which somehow escape many of us I reckon, judging by the questions appearing daily on the reflector.
That was too funny a post to let slide....sorry...(:-))
Well not really!
VK4WT/P " In the Motorhome"
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