K3 The Silence.

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K3 The Silence.

Don Rasmussen
As many may have noticed, The silence from Elecraft
has been deafening Wayne's recent post detailing the
delay with the K3 subreceiver.

IMO (in my opinion) This could mean only one of two

1. The company has begun a damage control policy,
allowing for a complete written "Mea culpa" or
possibly even a "Mea maxima culpa"
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mea_culpa detailing the
unforseen events that have brought a dark cloud over
the heretofor sunny days of Elecraft.

(or the other possibility)

2. They have continued working on my K3 transceiver,
which is due at my premises next week some time.

I will not suggest my opinion in this matter on which
way they should go. ;-)

I feel certain that events related to the delivery of
the base K3 radio lessened the priority of all phases
of the subreceiver. Anyone that would challenge the
sincerity of the company over this single issue never
built one of their kits. Go back and read through the
K2 archives, things went pretty well the same way over
a number of years and all turned out well.


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