K3 - Transverters

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K3 - Transverters

Roger de Valle
Hi to All.

I have a K3 with several transverters attached, two of which are
Elecraft 144 and 432 models, the others are generic. I have used this
configuration for over 12 months and in this period had not upgraded the
firmware in the K3 (it weren't broke). Early this week I did upgrade and
found the K3 would not turn on or respond until I removed the connection
between the K3 and the Elecraft transverters.

I have since discovered that if there is no power to the transverters
the K3 will not turn on, if there is power then all acts normally, it
seems to be an issue with I2C type bus between the K3 and the
transverters. It's no big deal, I just have to ensure there is power on
the transverters all of the time.

My questions are (In the hope some Elecraft engineers or other clever
folk read this)

1: Is this unique to my configuration?
2: Was the firmware change by design or as a consequence of supporting
other devices on the bus?


Roger VK3ADE.

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