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K3 - Which are Std. Narrow CW & SSB Filters?

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K3 - Which are Std. Narrow CW & SSB Filters?

Don Rasmussen
540 posts
Hi Fred,

I stayed with the standard 2.7 khz filter for SSB and
went with the 1000hz filter for CW.

With my antennas here, the best one being a 2 element
yagi for 20m at 30 feet, there is little chance that
in a contest there will be a signal so big as to
unsettle the hardware AGC in the K3 and then cause
trouble with the DSP that would be within 1khz of me.

On the rare occasion that it happened, I can just move
since I so search and pounce in the contests.

If you are a contest guy that has big antennas and
wants to run (call CQ) and keep your frequency, then
you may want some more CW roofing filters of a lower
frequency value but the way I see it that's an extreme

On SSB, the standard 2.7 filter is probably optimal as
well for the vast majority of normal activity, given
the strength of the dsp.

My guess is the 1khz filter in my setup here is
actually just insurance, I'd probably need it more if
I had a neighbor that's a ham and we operate on the
same band.


[Elecraft] K3 - Which are Std. Narrow CW & SSB
from [Fred (FL)] [Permanent Link][Original]

I ordered the basic K3/10, with one (1) KBPF3 GC Rx
filter and the MH2 Mike.

Which of the other filters - would one consider the
"standard" reasonably narrow SSB and CW filters?

In other words - not too narrow, but narrow enough
to do their job during crowded CW and SSB band

73 de Fred, N3CSY


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