K3: am I missing something re: DMM

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K3: am I missing something re: DMM

Dave, G4AON

I used the most basic of digital multi-meters to check out my K3 when
assembling it, the meter cost the equivalent of $5 about a year ago!

You only have to do some basic resistance checks, nothing fancy.

You will need a power meter and a 50 Ohm dummy load, for the basic K3/10
one that covers 160m - 6m to measure 5 Watts and for the K3/100 one to
measure 50 Watts across that range. If you have the transverter
interface a meter that measures in the milliwatt range is needed. For
the 5/50 Watt measurements an LP-100 does the job nicely!

73 Dave, G4AON
K3/100 #80
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