K3 and Ameritron AL-80B with internal QSK-5PC

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K3 and Ameritron AL-80B with internal QSK-5PC

I recently bought a used Ameritron AL80-B with the internal QSK board. The previous owner used a TenTec Omni VII. He used 2 cables from the radio to the amp for QSK(relay and tx EN,which was the previous 12V plug , no ALC line -I think he needed it for proper qsk) I guess I need one cable, key out from the K3 to RLY on the amp.
The problem is, that when I turn the amp into operate mode there is a sudden strong attenuation of the signals- I can hear signals, but not strong. This happens on all the bands. Is there an easy solution or does the qsk board need a modification when I use the K3?  Thanks for your help.