K3 and MixW

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K3 and MixW

Nand Kishore
        I have a K3 #282 which is used on CW and FSK via 2 serial port
pcmcia card in a laptop.
I have been using this combo for last 2 years without any
problem,alternating between CW and
FSK using MixW(reg).

Last week I came back from IOTA AS-175 where this combo was used flawlessly.

Now I can't send CW macro while FSK port is enabled whereas FSK works
With FSK port enabled,if switch to CW mode and send cw macro,some dots and
dashes are
gobbled.With FSK port disabled, CW macros are properly sent.Paddle CW is ok.

Can't figure out whats wrong.Using latest regular F/W 4.39/2.73.

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