K3 and VHF/UHF add-ons

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K3 and VHF/UHF add-ons

Geert Jan de Groot
[Note - slight twist on the subject line]

As to using the K3 for VHF/UHF work, I recently tried to configure a K3
with just the UHF band on it - all of the HF bands mapped out because
the unit doesn't have a HF antenna connected and it would avoid operator
So, just one of the TRN bands configured and only having that band in
the band map, all the regular HF bands disabled using CONFIG:BND MAP

This, however, triggers a firmware bug on the K3 with latest firmware
(5.67): the BAND switch will switch to either 80m or 10m, depending on
whether I press the DOWN or UP button. And that is with the 80m and 10m
band disabled.

This has been called in though channels and it's not the end of the
world but there doesn't seem to have been a release, not even beta,
since January. I hope Elecraft will find the cycles to make what seems
to be a trivial fix.

BTW, I did find it beneficial to configure the K3 to display 89 MHz
instead of 10489 MHz. This way, the frequency digits don't jump around
when you switch from COARSE to FINE.

Geert Jan
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