Several recent posts have mentioned the issue of setting "mic sel" for data and back for SB modes. Here are several handy K3 command macros that set the mode, mic sel and power. Like the previously posted "tuner" macro, I have defined these in Ham Radio Deluxe and attached them to a HRD command button. They set the "mode" to data but do not set the "data mode" as that is not yet supported in the K3 operating mode command (MD).
In the listings below the first line is the macro name, followed by commands. The # and everything after it on a line is a comment.
MD6; # set data mode
MN053; # menu mic sel
UP; # move up
UP; # move up (now on Line In)
MN255; # exit menu
PC100; # set power 100 watts
MD1; # set LSB mode
MN053; # menu mic sel
DN; # down
DN; # down (now on FP.H)
MN255; # exit menu
PC100; # power 100 watts
MD2; # set USB mode
MN053; # menu mic sel
DN; # down
DN; # down (now on FP.H)
MN255; # exit menu
PC100; # power 100 watts
It should be easy to modify these to meet you own needs. If you create any handy macros please share them.