K3 dimensions

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K3 dimensions

Just for my information I would like to know the exact dimensions of the K3...and also,
this question.....Is the Main Dial, in the MIDDLE of the front Panel....if not where is it situated starting form the center  of the panel?????is it more to the left or to the right????
I have in mind of buying one...but my area is limited.....on the table...'
So these informations would be very usefull before ordering one...
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Re: K3 dimensions

>From previous postings

It's been brought to my attention that not everyone knows that the K3 has
*two* sets of feet. One set is on the bottom as you'd expect. But there are
also four feet on the *side* of the case (the right side looking at the
front panel) that work with a handle on the left side of the case for ease
of carrying and to allow you to set the rig down on its side without
damaging the paint or the surface you set it on.

When I spoke of the width with the handle and feet attached at 11.35", I
meant those side feet and the side handle!


-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Ron D'Eau Claire
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 2:42 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: [Elecraft] K3 Dimensions

Wayne asked me to post this in response to some queries from those who are
planning a specific location for their new K3.

The space required includes both room for the radio plus space for
connectors and, very importantly, cooling air flow through the rear and top
of the unit.

With the handle and feet attached, the overall width of the K3 is 11.35".

Overall height of the assembled K3 with the feet attached is 4.5" (with the
bail folded down for minimum height). In addition, recommend at least 0.5"
clearance on top for cooling air flow for a total of 4.5".

The K3 case is 10.1" deep (front to back), not including the connectors on
the back or the knobs on the front. The largest rear panel connector is the
SO239 ("UHF") antenna connector that requires an additional 0.5" depth.
Space is needed for the connector to attach at this point, plus routing the
cable, of course. The minimum additional depth for the antenna connection is
probably 1.4" for a right-angle connector. Connectors attached to the
multipin ACC and RS232 ports will also require additional depth. The
connectors typically supplied by Elecraft require an additional 2.25" from
the rear panel to the back of the jack screw. Similarly, straight-ling 1/4"
plugs for the KEY or PADDLE jacks on the back typically require an extra
depth of 2". A right angle jack may reduce that a bit. Of course there may
be audio connectors using mini audio plugs and control lines using "RCA"
connectors as well as a ground connection, but they do not require as much
depth as the ACC, RS232, Antenna, KEY or PADDLE connectors.

Keep in mind that air movement space is essential for cooling, especially
for the 100 watt version. The cooling fans are on the rear of the K3 and
require an unobstructed flow of air through the rear and through the holes
in the top of the case.

TO SUMMARIZE: A fully assembled K3 with handle and feet attached and cables
attached to the back will need the following space:

Width with handles and feet: 11.4" (minimum)

Height (bail collapsed) 5.0" (includes 0.5" for cooling air flow).

Depth: 12.1" minimum from the front panel, which includes a 2" space for
connectors in the back. The largest knob is the main tuning knob that
extends 1.1" from the front for an overall minimum front to back space
needed of 13.2" including clearance for the knobs on the front and room for
connectors to attach on the back.


From: Elecraft (r)  Hands-On Ham Radio

A VFOA knob is slightly off-centre to the right and at the bottom - there
are lots of good pictures on lots of sites like http://www.n4lcd.com/k3/

73 de M0XDF, K3 # 174

On 7/1/08 14:37, "VE2FWW" <[hidden email]> sent:

> Hello
> Just for my information I would like to know the exact dimensions of the
> K3...and also,
> this question.....Is the Main Dial, in the MIDDLE of the front Panel....if not
> where is it situated starting form the center  of the panel?????is it more to
> the left or to the right????
> I have in mind of buying one...but my area is limited.....on the table...'
> So these informations would be very usefull before ordering one...
> Thanks

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