K3 order

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K3 order

If I place an order with 50% payment now so I can get mine in July (if you
have any left), can I add filters to that order once I've figured out what I
need. If I added up the cost of filters etc and paid 50% of that as well?
Hell, I might pay the whole lot.

I'm relatively new ham, was considering the K2, but don't have a lot of time
to build, so have be looking to go to FT-2000.
Looks like the K3 will beat that, is more upgradeable in future and an
Elecraft - MAGIC!

Many of my fellow club members have K2's and swear they are the best, so I
feel like I'd be in good hands. Just not sure what options I need yet.

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
-Arthur C Clarke, science fiction writer (1917- )

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