Just thought I'd share this with you all. I discovered this bag
http://www.countycomm.com/midrange.htm ,
when I was looking to replace another one of my bags and realized it would be a good fit, though it is not in my possession yet and isn't being purchased for this specific purpose, but at $59.00 I might get another one if it works well. Bag size: 11" Tall x 14" Long x 7" Wide.
In the past I've only traveled with a Gamma HPS, so most of my hardware should fit - tx, key, mic, ps and a small laptop in the side compartment. Maybe squeeze in a wire antenna. We shall see...
Important: Country Comm has lots of little tools for very good prices. If you are not careful, you might just about order everything they sell. Start your navigation from here
http://www.countycomm.com/ and check out the "What's New" section. The site is horribly constructed and a pain to navigate around. Thoroughly explore the site before ordering as some stuff is listed more than once and might be less on another page. They also do not ship internationally.