wsjt-x tries to keep the audio frequencies it sends between 1500
and 2000 Hz to minimize harmonic output using the radio's
filters. It uses split on the radio to place its output in the
correct place on the waterfall. When you are transmitting
between 1500 and 2000, the radio's transmit frequency is the
same as its receiver frequency so the LED is not illuminates.
73 Bill AE6JV
On 7/11/18 at 3:36 PM,
[hidden email] (MaverickNH) wrote:
>I have WSJT-X 1.9.1 running in Split Mode - Rig. I see the boxed SPLIT
>indication on the right of my K3S display, and sometimes the delta Freq
>(triangle f) LED is illuminated and sometimes not. I'll admit I'm not sure
>what that's about and would appreciate some clarity. Thanks!
Bill Frantz | Since the IBM Selectric, keyboards have gotten
408-356-8506 | steadily worse. Now we have touchscreen keyboards. | Can we make something even worse?
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