K4 K-POD vs KX3/PX3

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K4 K-POD vs KX3/PX3

Stephen Shearer
OK, I own a KX3/PX3 and have a K4 on order.

I like my KX3/PX3 and I am looking forward to having a K4 with the K-POD.
I "see" the K-POD more as a remote KNOB.

What I do like with PX3 is the ability to use the programmable  keyboard
function keys (or any key you program) to either provide a macro
function or a "send text" function and having 50 of each type.   This
function is in addition to the message buttons on the KX3.  I "can"
operate a CW/RTTY/PSK contest exchange with serial number with just the
KX3/PX3 and a USB keyboard (and paper log sheet).  No computer required.

Will the K4 have this same function?  I may have missed it.  If the KX3
can do it, it should be "easy" for the K4 to do the same...

I can see the logic of not having function keys for a USB keyboard.  If
the K4 is being used for ANY contest or expedition, the K4 would "most
likely" have a computer attached running software like N1MM+ (and
function keys for text or macros). As I am not likely to backpack the
K4...  and I probably have answered my own question.

73, steve WB3LGC

I do like the function keys for the PX3, although full function
computers are now about the same size and weight as a small keyboard,
with more functionality.

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