K4 Status

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K4 Status

Randy Farmer-2
I watched Eric's EXPO presentation on the K4 and also monitored the
following Q&A session. The radio looks fantastic, and there may
eventually be one in my future. What I found even more impressive,
however, was Eric's total candor in response to questions on the
delivery timeline. He carefully explained essentially everything that
was going on at the company and how it was likely to impact the delivery
schedule. This included frank assessments of potential supply chain
problems and ongoing product development work. It's absolutely
astonishing to me that a principal of a company would be willing to
discuss such things in a public forum. I doubt you'd ever see
representatives of the major Japanese radio companies come anywhere
close to such disclosure. I don't know much about Flex, but I gather
openness is not their strong suit, either.

Wayne's talk on the KX2 mechanical engineering process was equally
impressive. He laid out the intimate details of how they did the
packaging. I've never seen such an in-depth presentation of the
development of a product from any company. This far exceeded the detail
that would occasionally be presented in the long-gone Hewlett-Packard

Those of you who think Elecraft is trying to conceal information on the
K4 rollout owe it to yourselves to check out the recorded sessions when
they become available online. They should allay any doubts you might
have about whether or not you're being given the straight info from

Randy, W8FN
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