K60XV Builder Alert: TUNE mode issues with KAT2

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K60XV Builder Alert: TUNE mode issues with KAT2

wayne burdick
If you have a K60XV (60 m/XVTR interface) installed in your K2, *and* a
KAT2 (internal ATU), you may notice two problems in TUNE mode. These
only occur if you're using the low-power (0 dBm) transverter interface
on the K60XV. Both have simple work-arounds:

1. If the KAT2 is in either of its autotune modes (AUTO or ALT), the
holding the TUNE button drops power output to 0.2 milliwatts maximum in
low-power (LP) mode. You can override this behavior by simply holding
DISPLAY along with TUNE. You can also use the menu to change configure
the KAT2 for any mode other than AUTO or ALT, but this is less

2. In some cases the LM358 op-amp on the KAT2 can load down the K60XV's
RF detector (at the emitter of Q2), preventing the K60XV from
developing a full 0 dBm (1 milliwatt) signal at the low-level
transverter OUT jack. To correct this, change R6 on the KAT2 from 47
ohms to 470 ohms. This will have a negligible effect on normal use of
the KAT2.

Both issues will be documented in a forthcoming errata sheet update for
the K60XV manual.




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Re: K60XV Builder Alert: TUNE mode issues with KAT2

Ken Wagner
wayne burdick wrote:

> If you have a K60XV (60 m/XVTR interface) installed in your K2, *and*
> a KAT2 (internal ATU), you may notice two problems in TUNE mode. These
> only occur if you're using the low-power (0 dBm) transverter interface
> on the K60XV. Both have simple work-arounds:
> 1. If the KAT2 is in either of its autotune modes (AUTO or ALT), the
> holding the TUNE button drops power output to 0.2 milliwatts maximum
> in low-power (LP) mode. You can override this behavior by simply
> holding DISPLAY along with TUNE. You can also use the menu to change
> configure the KAT2 for any mode other than AUTO or ALT, but this is
> less convenient.

Same thing happens if there is a KAT100 attached. Power our says .20 LP
when Tune is pressed and ATU in "Auto."

> 2. In some cases the LM358 op-amp on the KAT2 can load down the
> K60XV's RF detector (at the emitter of Q2), preventing the K60XV from
> developing a full 0 dBm (1 milliwatt) signal at the low-level
> transverter OUT jack. To correct this, change R6 on the KAT2 from 47
> ohms to 470 ohms. This will have a negligible effect on normal use of
> the KAT2.

With the KAT100, I was able to initially get "full" 1 mw out as
indicated on the K2 (ATU in CAL). Over a period of about 15 seconds the
power out dropped to about 0.95 LP indicated.

Ken Wagner
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Re: K60XV Builder Alert: TUNE mode issues with KAT2

wayne burdick

On Jun 9, 2004, at 4:41 AM, Ken Wagner wrote:

> Same thing happens if there is a KAT100 attached. Power our says .20
> LP when Tune is pressed and ATU in "Auto."

Right you are, Ken--thanks. I'll correct this in the errata.




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