I'm building my last module for my K2... I have built all others... ;-)
And this is the first time I have a problem... problem that come from
one night I was not in a good mood to build this module... ;-)
I think I have a problem with D1 or D2 on the K60XV... On the
alignement & test, we must set the power of the K2 at 1 milliwatt and
press tune using a dummy load, to test the output.... I had a 0.75 a
couple of times, but now, I have nothing.... I suspect D1 or D2...
But my question is,how can I find a local replacement of D1, D2..... I
asked for a diode with the number 3081 on it.... but I don't thing it's
Anybody have a replacement part number or explanation of what I should
ask for.... Digikey part number.... Digikey sells in Canada... where I
Thanks for your help !"!"!"!"!"!
Jean-François Ménard / VA2VYZ
Elecraft K2 #4130 / KX1 #999
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