K6DGW/MM - advice and guidance

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K6DGW/MM - advice and guidance

We're booked on a cruise thru the Canal next spring on Princess.  Our
room has a "balcony" which I understand is more like a "shelf."  I
purchased and built a KX1 to take with.  Being a "real" conservative I
guess, I began getting ready for international operation as outlined on
the ARRL Web Site (I tend to follow the rules).  I decided I'd get an
"Americas Permit" to operate from HP, and confine all other operation to
international waters.  To do this (and be legal), I needed permission
from the Captain and a permit from the country of the ship's registry.

So, I wrote to Princess and described my plan, the specifications of the
radio, and the permission and info I needed.  They called back fairly
quickly and said they do not allow radio transmitting aboard ship as it
"coule interfere with the ship's operation."

I'm currently considering various avenues of appeal, including taking
the KX1 and asking the real Captain when we're aboard since I'm almost
certain the answer I got is a corporate policy and the Captain was never
asked.  I'd be interested in hearing (off-reflector is probably best,
this is a very busy place) experiences (particularly with Princess --
the ship is the Sun Princess) in making this work.

Disappointing as it is, all is not lost.  I've acquired a new interest
in QRP, am gearing up for a run at the top 5 in the Skinny Class in the
Spartan Sprint (I'll have to learn to send CW with the buttons so I can
jettison the paddle), and between the KX1 and K2, I've begun to operate
from our deck when the temp is high enough and the sun is out.  If I
think I can get away with it with the MP-1 sticking up over my head and
a wire trailing behind me in front of my neighbors, I may try some
K6DGW/PP.  We do live rurally, and I might manage it down by the tracks.

73 and Happy Holidays,

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw

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