K6DGW-Spartan Sprint 07 Feb 2005

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K6DGW-Spartan Sprint 07 Feb 2005

Call: K6DGW
Opr: K6DGW
Club: Northern California Contest Club
Class: Skinny (weight = 0.84 lbs)
Power: 3W (to start with, rig quit at ~1.8W)
Exchange Sent: 5NN CA 3W
Operating Time: 1.45 hrs

40: 8
20: 8
TOTAL: 16 (19.0476 Q's/lb)

Rig: KX1 (#897) stock w/paddle (battery holders removed)
Power: 1 9V Energizer
Ant: 3 el triband @ 70'
        Sloping Vee (230' per leg)

Things I (might have) learned:

1.  One 9V Energizer will NOT power a KX1 for 2 hours in search
    and pounce mode to make 16 QSO's.  The KX1 quit when the
    power fell to about 1.8W -- 2 9V Energizers would bring the
    weight to nearly 1 lb.

2.  It didn't matter ... by the time the power dropped too low
    on battery #1, everyone had moved to 80.

3.  Maybe should have CQ'd, killed the battery sooner, but made
    more Q's.

4.  Some hams have really remarkable copying skills!  I had to
    have been right at or in the noise for them.  Only 95.6 more
    Q's and I'd have tied N6RO.

5.  I'll practice sending with the buttons and maybe ditch the
    paddle next time.  Maybe two strips of phosphor bronze held
    between my fingers?

A fun 1.45 hours, and I kept my clothes on.


Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw

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