K6XX Tuning Indicator

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K6XX Tuning Indicator

Howard W. Ashcraft
I assembled the SMD kit last evening and installed in in my K2/100.  It
all went smoothly, even though this was my first experience soldering
SMD components.  Strong reading glasses help.

I had a similar tuning feature on a Yaesu 897.  But it never worked very
well and was reliable only on strong, clear signals where assistance
wasn't needed.  In contrast the K6XX works very well on a wide variety
of signals.  When the indicator is steady, I can pop into my tightest
filters and the signal is centered.  Moreover, tuning with the indicator
is significantly faster than tuning by spot tone/ear. (for my skill

Thanks to Tom Hammond N0SS for putting the kit together.  It is a fun
and useful "mod."

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