Tom Hammond, N0SS, has done a really nice job with this kit. The SMT parts
are encapsulated in a sealed plastic strip. The parts are removed from the
strip in the order they are used. The board is well laid out and is of good
quality. Tom says he only has about 15 kits ($17pp) remaining that are not
spoken for and will supply the PC board only (and a list of Mouser and Digikey part
#'s) in the future.
I was hesitant in ordering an SMT project, but quickly discovered that SMT
soldering is not so daunting! The same temperature controlled soldering station
(such as WTCPT) used to construct the K2 can be used with a conical tip to
construct this project. With real care I was able to use .032 dia. 60/40 solder.
(Smaller diameter is recommended)
I discovered some really nice features of this tuning indicator... the 10th
LED still functions as an S meter digit in receive, and it also functions in RF
and ALC positions in transmit. I found the offset can be visually found
within 10 Hz very quickly.
Thanks to Tom for producing this nice kit. I have no monitary interest in
Weller or this project. Roy Morris W4WFB
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