KAT1 Alignment (R2 Adjust)

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KAT1 Alignment (R2 Adjust)

I have just completed the assembly of a KAT1 internal auto tuner for my K1.  
Everything seems fine so far but I must say I am somewhat unclear how to
properly adjust R2.  The manual gives no instructions on the proper setting of R2
other than on page 10 , about 2/3's way down on the page it says
Adjust R2's rotation to match that of R1 (visually)

Am I missing something here?  Or do I simply turn the R2 pot to visually
appear to be set at the same degrees of rotation as R1 after I have completed the
Power Calibration procedure at 5 watts by adjusting R1  

There is surely more to adjusting R2 than visually setting it to match R1
(with no power applied)?

Help!   73, Don

WA9TGT / Donnie Garrett / Muncie, IN
ARCI #6447, ARS #1717, AmQRP, ECI-QRP #001
K2 #4003, K2 #3186, K1 #1806, K1 #0416, SW-30+, DSW II - 40
LDG Z-11 Auto Tuner, 102' CF Zepp fed with 300 Ohm Line
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Re: KAT1 Alignment (R2 Adjust)

Jim Younce

The calibration of R2 is not real critical.  It is the pot that delivers the
reflected voltage to the microprocessor.  There is a way to set it
accurately.  After properly setting R1 as per the manual:

1.    Turn the power off.
2.    Measure and record the resistance between ground and Pin 5 of U1
3.    Measure and adjust R2 so that the resistance between ground and Pin 4
of U1is the same as the valve measured in Step 2
4.    Bingo You are done.


Jim Younce K4ZM

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