I would believe that diodes D1 and D2 in the KAT100 have been damaged by
a nearby lightning surge. If that is not the cause, then the firmware
IC may be damaged. BTW, it will not tune correctly the way it is.
The diodes are 1N5711 type Elecraft p/n E560004. I would get 4 of them.
If the KAT100 diodes have been damaged, it is likely that D16 and D17
in the KPA100 have also been damaged.
To check the KPA100, remove the KAT100 and transmit into a dummy load.
Put an external wattmeter between the KPA100 and the dummy load.
Set the power knob to about 50 watts and do a TUNE. The power shown
both on the K2 and the external meter should be between 20 and 25 watts.
If instead the actual power is quite high (it can go up to 180 watts),
then the KPA100 wattmeter is not working, and diodes D16 and D17 need to
be replaced.
If the power does go quite high, do not operate the K2/100 until it is
repaired. Continued operation will result in distortion and in a short
period of time the base K2 PA transistors will destroy themselves.
On 8/4/2018 1:24 PM, Mike Baird wrote:
> An issue has arisen with my KAT100. The tuner works fine but the LEDs for
> the SWR do not light. The PWR and Antenna LEDs are OK. Can someone
> recommend a solution?
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