I am seeing some odd behavior when using my K2/KPA100/KAT100 at temperatures
of 45 degrees Fahrenheit and below. I have the rig setup in my car and, as
we had some pretty cold temperatures over the last couple of days, the
temperature in my garage dropped to about 40 - 45.
When the rig is cold and the antenna had not been tuned before it takes a
long time to tune the antenna. It seems almost that the tuning just hangs.
The antenna has an SWR of 1:2.2 at the tested frequency and the KAT100 had
not been tuned yet (was tuned to my home antenna on the same band). When I
hit TUNE, the display says 20 but the relays are not clicking. I exit and
try again. After a couple of retries the relays come on clicking but very
slow. The TUNE succeeds and I am back in business. Then the K2 runs
flawlessly although the LCD seems to act in slow motion. I guess this is
probably normal.
Does anyone have seem this problem?
Andreas, KU7T/M
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