KAT100 relay problem !!!

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KAT100 relay problem !!!


I have completed the KAT100...

Evething seems to work fine: I can change between ANT1 and ANT2 for
each band, the LOW and HIGH power led is correctly controlled by the K2

But when I want to test each relay, I heard nothing at all !!!

I found that when I did the resistance checks, that the pins 3 and 6 of
U6 gave me nothing... but everything else was OK.

The damn thing it's my first problem I really have from the beginning
of the K2 kit... I have every options built right the first time each
time... but not the KAT100.... the last one !!!

Thanks for your help.


Jean-François Ménard / VA2VYZ
[hidden email]
Elecraft K2 #4130

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Re: KAT100 relay problem !!!

I know what I did........

U2 wrong side..... works to late !!!!

Le 04-08-28, à 13:00, JEAN-FRANCOIS MENARD a écrit :

> Hi,
> I have completed the KAT100...
> Evething seems to work fine: I can change between ANT1 and ANT2 for
> each band, the LOW and HIGH power led is correctly controlled by the
> K2 also...
> But when I want to test each relay, I heard nothing at all !!!
> I found that when I did the resistance checks, that the pins 3 and 6
> of U6 gave me nothing... but everything else was OK.
> The damn thing it's my first problem I really have from the beginning
> of the K2 kit... I have every options built right the first time each
> time... but not the KAT100.... the last one !!!
> Thanks for your help.
> 73
> ===============================================
> Jean-François Ménard / VA2VYZ
> [hidden email]
> Elecraft K2 #4130
> http://homepage.mac.com/jfmenard
> ===============================================
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Jean-François Ménard / VA2VYZ
[hidden email]
Elecraft K2 #4130


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