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Slater Tubman
I am next to embarrassed to ask this one!

I have just completed building my KAT2 for K2 SN4519.  I have one
resistor, R6, left over and upon several rereads of the manual I cannot
find a definite instruction to install it.  I know where it goes, of
course, but is it assumed that you install it after  R3,4, and 5?

Like, I said, almost the simple question of the day, but the service
department is likely closed for the weekend, and I know that the answer
is somewhere in this reflector group.

I just love the K2!  What a hot receiver.  On side by side tests with
my old Ten Tec OMNI V it hears things that the TT doesn't.  There will
be a bit of a learning curve on the menu but I look forward to it.  The
DSP really works well.

Thanks in advance.

Slater VE5OA  #4519.

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Re: KAT2

Find installation of R6 as follows:
Page 17, last step before the paragraph:  Power Calibration (R1 and R2)
Congrats and good luck.
73, Joe, aa4nn

> I have just completed building my KAT2 for K2 SN4519.  I have one
> resistor, R6, left over and upon several rereads of the manual I cannot
> find a definite instruction to install it.  I know where it goes, of
> course, but is it assumed that you install it after  R3,4, and 5?

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