KAT500 Display

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KAT500 Display

Jeff Strube
Will the KAT500 have a similar power/SWR display then the W2? Also, will
there be support to read the power/swr in software like the W2? It would be
killer if the KAT500 can handle advanced metering as well as tuning.

My apologies if this has already been addressed.

Jeff - AK3S
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Re: KAT500 Display

don't feel slighted Jeff,
I never received a reply to the same question either.


On 3/12/2012 5:57 PM, Jeff Strube wrote:
> Will the KAT500 have a similar power/SWR display then the W2? Also, will
> there be support to read the power/swr in software like the W2? It would be
> killer if the KAT500 can handle advanced metering as well as tuning.
> My apologies if this has already been addressed.
> Regards,
> Jeff - AK3S
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