KAT500 questions

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KAT500 questions

Frank Oppedijk

I'm planning antenna additions and have a question about the upcoming

I'm planning on using 2 antennas, at 2 physically separated locations, each
equipped with a remote KAT500. Both antennas can be switched to the same K3.
I understand the KAT500 will be able to receive frequency/band data from the
K3, and would like to use this feature for both antennas. (Thus, both ATUs
will be correctly tuned as soon as I QSY to a certain band, without the need
to send RF to both ATUs in order to let the RF sensing circuitry to its

Will it be possible to have multiple remote KAT500s connected to the same K3
at the same time? (I guess another way of phrasing the question is: is there
only unidirectional data flow from K3 to KAT500, or do the K3 and KAT500
engage in bidirectional communication during tune-up [e.g. to enable the K3
to reduce power whilst the KAT500 is rattling its relays], just like the
KAT100 does?)

Also, I'm very interested in pricing and availability info. Surely, the
Waynes and Erics of this world have preliminary info, but knowing the way
these people keep the cards close to the chest, I'm afraid the only way of
this information getting onto the reflector would be one of them goofing up
and accidently posting data intended for private communication... :-)


Frank PA4N
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