KCR2 with 2 radios, some questions

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KCR2 with 2 radios, some questions

Luc Favre
I'm considering the acquisition of a KRC2-unit, but I'm not sure it will
fill my needs in my specific contest configuration.
I want to use the KRC2 with a K2 with a KPA100, a KAT100 and a linear
(SB220) as first radio, another transceiver as second radio, a
PC-contest-program (TR-log or similar), antennas swiching-relais (to switch
antennas back and forth beetween the two radios) and other switching devices
for keyer and headphones.
My question : is the KRC2 the unit I need ?
Another question : the KRC2 manual mentions a "daisy-chain" to couple the
KTA100 to the KRC2. What is this ? Another word to say parallel connecting ?
Thank for your help


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Re: KCR2 with 2 radios, some questions

Jack Brindle
On Sep 20, 2004, at 12:51 AM, Luc Favre wrote:

> I'm considering the acquisition of a KRC2-unit, but I'm not sure it  
> will
> fill my needs in my specific contest configuration.
> I want to use the KRC2 with a K2 with a KPA100, a KAT100 and a linear
> (SB220) as first radio, another transceiver as second radio, a
> PC-contest-program (TR-log or similar), antennas swiching-relais (to  
> switch
> antennas back and forth beetween the two radios) and other switching  
> devices
> for keyer and headphones.
> My question : is the KRC2 the unit I need ?

The KRC2 does not currently support two radios connected at the same  
time. In other words, if you want to connect a K2 and some other  
transceiver to determine which antenna is selected, the KRC2 will not  
handle this directly. It _will_ other rigs besides the K2, but only one  
at a time.

You could accomplish this with a pair of KRC2s, one controlled by each  
radio, using the outputs to control relays for antenna switching. It is  
relatively easy to connect the KRC2s and relays so that an antenna  
relay will not be energized if both radios select the same band.

I do not know of any automated antenna selector currently available  
that handles more than one rig at a time.

> Another question : the KRC2 manual mentions a "daisy-chain" to couple  
> the
> KTA100 to the KRC2. What is this ? Another word to say parallel  
> connecting ?

Your guess is correct. The KRC2 allows you to connect the K2 to one DB9  
port, and the KAT100 or other accessory to the second port. If you have  
a KAT100, the 'Y' cable that is built with that unit would connect to  
this port.

> Thank for your help

You are very welcome!

- Jack Brindle, WA4FIB

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Re: KCR2 with 2 radios, some questions

In reply to this post by Luc Favre
If you use TRX-Manager to control the two radios, you can assign a serial port that will act as the "rig", outputting a signal that the KRC2 can be connected to. I forget the name of the utility that does this, but it's in the TRX menus.

I also have a free utility on my website that does the same thing, making a serial port look like a Kenwood radio and following the freq of TRX-Manager though OLE. I originally designed it for use with SteppIR controllers. It's called LP-StepLink.

Larry N8LP

----- Original Message -----
From: Luc Favre
To: [hidden email]
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2004 3:51 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] KCR2 with 2 radios, some questions

I'm considering the acquisition of a KRC2-unit, but I'm not sure it will
fill my needs in my specific contest configuration.
I want to use the KRC2 with a K2 with a KPA100, a KAT100 and a linear
(SB220) as first radio, another transceiver as second radio, a
PC-contest-program (TR-log or similar), antennas swiching-relais (to switch
antennas back and forth beetween the two radios) and other switching devices
for keyer and headphones.
My question : is the KRC2 the unit I need ?
Another question : the KRC2 manual mentions a "daisy-chain" to couple the
KTA100 to the KRC2. What is this ? Another word to say parallel connecting ?
Thank for your help


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Re: KCR2 with 2 radios, some questions

Jack Brindle
The KRC2 was designed to directly listen to quite a few radios from
many manufacturers. It does this through several I/O ports, using
Elecraft's AuxBus, Elecraft/Kenwood serial IO, Icom/Yaesu analog
voltages and Yaesu (and a host of others) BCD. You can actually connect
the KRC2 to several of these at the same time. it will only make band
switching decisions for one of them at a time. If the KRC2 is
configured (through a jumper at this point) to listen to the KRC2 and
you want to have it respond to an Icom rig, simply change the jumper in
the KRC2 and power the unit off then back on. The KRC2 does not need
any other devices (computers, etc.) to interpret what the rig is

The KRC2 is extremely versatile, with many features just waiting to be
discovered. Anyone interested should take a good look at the manual and
think about what they might want the KRC2 to do. The next realization
is that the KRC2 can most likely do it!

-Jack Brindle, WA4FIB

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Re: KCR2 with 2 radios, some questions

My comment about using a computer and TRX-Manager is mainly for people who use or would be amenable to using TRX. The advantage is that one click allows you to change control between any two rigs of any brand, without changing the wiring or any settings of the KRC2 or the other accessories.

Larry N8LP

----- Original Message -----
From: Jack Brindle
To: Elecraft Email List
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2004 3:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] KCR2 with 2 radios, some questions

The KRC2 was designed to directly listen to quite a few radios from
many manufacturers. It does this through several I/O ports, using
Elecraft's AuxBus, Elecraft/Kenwood serial IO, Icom/Yaesu analog
voltages and Yaesu (and a host of others) BCD. You can actually connect
the KRC2 to several of these at the same time. it will only make band
switching decisions for one of them at a time. If the KRC2 is
configured (through a jumper at this point) to listen to the KRC2 and
you want to have it respond to an Icom rig, simply change the jumper in
the KRC2 and power the unit off then back on. The KRC2 does not need
any other devices (computers, etc.) to interpret what the rig is

The KRC2 is extremely versatile, with many features just waiting to be
discovered. Anyone interested should take a good look at the manual and
think about what they might want the KRC2 to do. The next realization
is that the KRC2 can most likely do it!

-Jack Brindle, WA4FIB

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