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      From:  "Chris Page" <[hidden email]>
      Date:  Sat, 29 Jan 2005 23:04:44 -0000

I have just built the KDSP2 and everything seems to work properly,
including the clock and changing the filter frfequencies.

However, the red LED remains on.  I have checked U1, D3 and that the
DSPx module is properly aligned, as suggested in the troubleshooting
section, and am now a bit puzzled - if there is a problem with the
LED, why does the filter appear to work ok?

Any help and suggestions will be welcome, please.

Thanks and 73 de Chris, W4/G4BUE

I think Lyle is out of town, but here is his suggestion for
someone else who had this problem before, that may help.

72/73, Carl, WN3DUG
[hidden email]
K2/100, KX1

Re: [Elecraft] K2 DSP Problem
      from [Lyle Johnson] [Permanent Link][Original]

      To:  J F <[hidden email]>
      Subject:  Re: [Elecraft] K2 DSP Problem
      From:  Lyle Johnson <[hidden email]>
      Date:  Thu, 13 Jan 2005 09:39:47 -0800
      List-post:  <mailto:[hidden email]>

      > Finally had a chance to work on some of my kits.
I had completed the DSP kit and just now am installing
        No smoke
That's good!

        but the red LED remains on.
That's not so good.

> Any suggestions?
      The LED comes on when the DSPx resets, and goes off when it handshakes
with U1 on the KDSP2 board.

      Do you have any audio? If so, this indicates the DSPx is initializing
and the problem might be associated with the LED circuity or U1.

      Can you get a display by pressing AFIL? SF2 or CF2 depending in mode,
for example. If so, this indicates that U1 is probably working and there may
be a PCB problem or a DSPx problem. If not, U1 may be the culprit.

      If you can safely probe J1 20 (on the DSPx while plugged into the K2
and switched on) you should see that pin 20 (DSPx reset) is pulsed to ground
at turn-on, then rises to something over 3V. If it stays low, the DSPx is
always being held in reset. If it never goes low, the DSPx is not getting


Lyle KK7P

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