Looking for a DSP unit for my K2. Anyone have a KDSP2 either built or in kit form that they want to off load? If so, pls contact me off-list. Tnx.
Vy 73 es Gud DX
Rich Arland, K7SZ
"Cogito Ergo CQ!" ("I think therefore I HAM!" w/apologies to Rene Descartes 1596-1650)
Columnist: "The Learning Curve" CQ Magazine
Columnist: "QRP Power" QST Magazine (Jan 2000 to Dec 2003)
Author: "The ARRL's Low Power Communications, The Art and Science of QRP" (all 4 editions)
Political understatement of the decade: "The problems we face today exist because the people who work for a living are outnumbered by those people who vote for a living!" (de: Dr Jack Wheeler)
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