I received my KDSP2 a couple of days ago. Just got around to
checking out the parts bags this afternoon. I haven't done an inventory yet,
but I did do a check to make sure all the "big" pieces were there and I
cannot find the E100179 circuit board anywhere. It's not like there are very
many places to look. Hi Hi. It's a rather small parts count and I do have
the KK7P DSP module.
The parts list says I am supposed to have one. I just wanted to
query the group because I have cried foul twice now and wound up with egg on
my face. Am I missing something???? I ordered the KDSP2 and the K60XV
together and they both came in one box. The circuit board for the K60XV is
in it's bag. In the KDSP2 bag I got a lot of small parts, but I do not see a
circuit board. I have even looked in between all the pages of the assembly
manual and have not discovered it yet. Any hints?
Stan Rife
Houston, TX
K2 S/N 4216
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