KFL4 Problem

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KFL4 Problem

Richard Klingensmith
I've had K1 sn 1859 working well since March this year and enjoying it very
much. About a week ago I was switching bands and found 20 meters pretty
quiet and my output went to zero. All other bands 40, 30 and 17 are working
properly. I quickly grabbed the Quick and Dirty Signal Tracing instructions
and followed the signal all the way through and all was good but still no 20
meters. I'm convinced the problem is in the Pre-Mix filter but am not sure
how to trace the signal through the pre-mix filter. As you can probably tell
I know enough to be dangerous. Can anyone give me some hints about how to
trace a signal through this filter.

I had a problem on 30 meters in the pre-mix filter and luckily found a bad
solder joint by wiggling components but that has not proved successful this
time so I need to dig a little deeper and I don't have much test equipment
only a DVM and an MFJ tuner/SWR/Power meter. I haven't had time to verify
all the relays are switched in the right direction yet. Too much fun on 40

Thanks for any help you can give.


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