KIO2/KPA100 cricket "chirp"

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KIO2/KPA100 cricket "chirp"

I would be interested to hear from anyone with K2 & KIO2 (not KPA100)
& whether or not they can hear in either receive or transmit audio what
sounds like the chirp a cricket makes the radio sees data coming in on
the serial port.

I would also be interested to hear from anyone with KPA100 or
KPA100 & KAT100 mounted externally to their K2, too.

The sound isn't loud, but can be really annoying after 48 hours of
listening to it happen every time the radio is polled by the logging
computer over a contest weekend.

My guess is that it's crosstalk in the ribbon, which should happen
with a KIO & could be even more noticeable with an external

Theories on why one can see more spikes with a 'scope probe
near the ribbon cable when data is coming into the K2 than when
the K2 sends data out would also be welcome (why would rise time
of TTL-level serial data coming out of CPU be different than rise time
of essentially the same thing coming in from some sort of external
device?).  Maybe the K2 shapes the data like a CW waveform?  ;^)

73, VR2BrettGraham

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