KIO2 Problem

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KIO2 Problem

Parker Buckley
Hi All.  I just built and installed a KIO2 in K2 #2636.  The K2 is QRP only, no tuner, has DSP, SSB, updated to B mods, and latest firmware.  I accomlished the mods to the control board for the KIO2.  I'm attempting to use K2 Remote.  The computer and rig are not communicating at all.  I get a message from  K2 Remote telling me to turn on the rig and/or check the cable.  The serial port works fine for other applications.  I've turned on the K2 port, have the sidetone working again, etc.  I've checked all voltages as published for the KIO2.  All are nominal.  I've rechecked wiring and solder joints many times.  The 16 MHz oscillator is running on the the KIO2.  I've read all the applicable posts in the archives to no avail.  One on cable makeup got my attention.  I infer from the instructions that the cable and DB9 connector diagram on page 13 of the manual is viewing the connectors from the solder side of the connector.  This seems to be consistent with the J1 pinout, assuming that J1 Back View as printed on the schematic also means the solder side of the jack.

Are there any other diagnostics I can try?  I expect the trouble is going to be one of those humbling experieces...

Thanks for any possible help.

Parker WD8JOL
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