I am trying to add new DSP filter features to my K2 control software, Marote,
on Linux. I just added the new DSP module to my K2 #1974. So I had to play
with it more.
I cannot get SW80 and SW81 to do anything.
I want to turn on the DSP NR mode.
I am able to cycle through the various DSP filters using SW29. And I can read
the "audio filter" state via FW response string. Of course it only tells
what audio filter number you are using. I see that there is a compromise
here since the are 2 audio filter boards that could be installed in the rig.
The plain old audio filter and the DSP module.
Currently I am playing with adding giant usb tuning knob support to my
program. Maybe some of the Windows programmers may want to take a look at
this thing. Here is the link.
http://www.griffintechnology.com/products/powermate/features.php#Mike AB6CV
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